Celebrating 40 years!
Great fun, food and friendship
5821 Haliburton Lake Rd, Haliburton ON, Canada K0M 1S0
Our team
FIRA is a member driven organization and is led by many volunteers.
Executive Board 2024
Activity Coordinators and Leads
Activity Leadership -
Executive Board 2024
The Executive Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting. These are volunteer positions and look to the members for ongoing support.
President: Cindy Woodrow (firapresident@gmail.com)
Vice President: Jeff Vanderkuur
Past President: Bill Odell
Treasurer: Joe DiFrancesco (firatreasurer@gmail.com)
Secretary: Carrie DiFrancesco (firasecretary@gmail.com)
Member-at-Large: Wayne MacKenzie
Member-at-Large: Lynn Yake
Activity Coordinators
A main points of contact to help initiate activities.
Board Activity Coordinator: Carrie DiFrancesco
Carrie is the main point of contact to receive ideas from members for an activity and be the liaison between a lead person for the activity and the Executive Board.
if you are interested in organizing the larger group events such as Potluck Dinner, Happy Hours, Bonfires, group excursions, arrange for special speakers etc.. please contact Carrie.
Activity Leads
They are the main point of contact for the Activity and the liaison with the Activity Coordinator.
Bid Euchre: Brenda Carey (paulcarey249@gmail.com)
Book Exchange: Sue Pettitt (pettitt705@gmail.com)
Cardio - Low Impact: Cindy Woodrow (cmwoodrow56@gmail.com
Cribbage: Sue Mason (jalsmason@sympatico.ca)
Darts: attendees
Game Night: Cindy Woodrow (cmwoodrow56@gmail.com)
Hall Maintenance: Wayne MacKenzie (wayne.mackenzie@sympatico.ca)
Indoor Walking DVD: Barb Taylor (btandwd@aol.com)
Mahjong: Bonnie Beaudoin (andynbonnie@interhop.net)
Propane Discount: Joe DiFrancesco (firatreasurer@gmail.com)
Wednesday Ladies: Dianne Kelly (kellydianne@sympatico.ca)
Yoga: Gwen Mannings
Zumba: Carrie DiFrancesco (firasecretary@gmail.com)
A group of volunteers focusing on a specific topic to enhance the FIRA experience for the members.
FIRA Improvement Team
Laura Golbeck, Joe and Carrie DiFrancesco, Irene Odell, Lynn Yake, Cindy Woodrow, and Merron Gottardi.
Website Enhancement Team
Francis Pilon, Cindy and Dave Woodrow, Bill Odell, Carrie DiFrancesco, and Jeff Vanderkuur.