Celebrating 40+ years!
Great fun, food and friendship
5821 Haliburton Lake Rd, Haliburton ON, Canada K0M 1S0
Events are organized and led by FIRA volunteers. These include many fundraisers, community and educational events. Please contact FIRA, if you are interested in helping out with any of these events.
Hall rental
If you are interested in renting out the FIRA clubhouse for an event, please contact firatreasurer@gmail.com or firasecretary@gmail.com.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) & PIG Roast
When: TBD
Please bring a salad, or dessert to share

A Bonfire is a great outdoor activity to share stories, meet new friends and enjoy the outdoors.
When: Occasionally - communication note will be sent.

MacGregor Meat Fundraiser
A variety of quality meats/seafood are available to support FIRA’s fundraiser.
When: May 2025

Potluck Dinners / Happy Hours
A social activity where members bring a dish of food and many stories are shared. Fun, food and friendships!
When: Monthly - See our calendar.

Pancake Breakfast
Our most sweetly delicious fundraising activity of the year! Not to miss.
When: 3rd Sat in Aug