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All adult residents ( permanent / seasonal) in Fort Irwin and the surrounding areas are encouraged to become members. Fees are for non-fundraising events such as potluck, darts, cards.

Note:  For returning members..if your contact information has not changed, it is not required to fill in the membership form, but membership dues can be forwarded to


One Person

$70 / year

Couple or Family

$120 / year


  • Benefit from group propane pricing at a fixed rate for the season

  • Participate in great activities / events

  • Get active and spend time with old friends (or make new ones)

  • Discover new interests

  • Support the Community

  • Participate in many volunteer opportunities



  • We work closely with HLCA and membership fees are discounted by $10 per household if you join both associations.

  • An application for membership may be sent to the executive at any time, accompanied by the current year’s dues.

  • Annual membership dues are payable at the beginning of the calendar year (Jan 1) by cheque or e-transfer to .

  • Guests are welcome - no charge.  The inviting member is expected to provide extra food or drinks for guests, as appropriate.

  • Potential and Non-members  are welcome to participate in activities as a guest up to 3 times, then they would be expected to either join as a member or pay a $5 donation when they attend an activity to contribute to the overhead of the FIRA Clubhouse.

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